Wednesday, December 25, 2019
President Obama s Foreign Policy - 758 Words
President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush took different approaches to foreign policy. Lindsay (2011) suggests that the attacks on September 11th caused President Bush to take an ideological approach to foreign policy. Obama rejected Bush’s outlook and took a more pragmatic approach. Despite the differences between these two approaches, both Presidents were ultimately unable to meet their international goals. In this essay, I will summarize Lindsay’s main argument. First, I will review his discussion of President George W. Bush’s foreign policy. Second, I will review his discussion of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Third, I will review his discussion of why both foreign policy strategies failed, despite their differences. Fourth, and finally, I will conclude with a summary of the main points of the essay. According to Lindsay (2011), President Bush’s foreign policy was dominated, first by the ‘war on terror’, and sec ond by his ‘freedom agenda.’ This suggests that President Bush’s foreign policy was largely driven by ideology. Lindsay (2011:766) argues that during the war on terror â€Å"fighting terrorism became not just a priority, but the priority†of American foreign policy. The war on terror was the rationale behind America’s decisions to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. According to Lindsay (2011), America invaded Iraq without the approval of the UN which angered many of the United States allies. This suggests Bush let his ideological agenda dominateShow MoreRelatedPresident Obama s Foreign Policies1807 Words  | 8 PagesDuring their respected terms, former President George Bush Jr. and current President Barack Obama issued foreign policies that differed in various ways. 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Military Policy Policies1677 Words  | 7 PagesBarack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, began his presidency dealing with many foreign policy issues left behind by his predecessor, George Bush. President Bush was unable to solve many foreign policy problems faced by our country prior to leaving office. Some of these included the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Arab-Israeli conflict, illegal immigration, and improving U.S. relations with Cuba. President Obama was faced with th e question of how to handle the number troops in IraqRead MoreReflection Of The Obama Doctrine1662 Words  | 7 PagesQuick POL S 321 B Response Paper 3 May 22, 2016 Prompt 3: In reflection of the â€Å"Obama Doctrine†At the end of their term, each president is subject to critique regarding their competency in office. One important aspect that is heavily looked at is their legacy in the arena of foreign relations. 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According to urban-dictionary s definition: post-racial is â€Å"a term used to describe a society or time period in which discussions around race and racism have been deemed no longer relevant to current social dynamics†, â€Å"popularized after the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America in 2009†(Godheval).Read MoreArgumentative Synthesis Of President Obama1173 Words  | 5 PagesNovember 2015 Argumentative Synthesis President Barack Hussein Obama was the forty fourth president elected into office in 2008 and the first United States president, under the constitution, of African descent. He has worked his way up from the Illinois State Senate to the US Senate then officially sworn in as president on January 20, 2009. Considering his background in politics, logically, he should be a responsible, trustworthy candidate for president yet that does not stand for his mentality
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Physics in Daily Life - 13985 Words
SEC Syllabus (2012): Physics SEC SYLLABUS (2012) PHYSICS SEC 24 SYLLABUS 1 SEC Syllabus (2012): Physics Physics SEC 24 Syllabus Introduction Available in September (Paper I and Paper IIB only) Paper 1 (2 hrs) + Paper 2 (2 hrs) + laboratory reports Course Objectives As a result of following a course in Physics, candidates should acquire: Knowledge and understanding recall facts and ideas; show an understanding of facts, terminology, principles and concepts; use units correctly; demonstrate an understanding of the application of Physics in everyday life; understand that scientific concepts are developed within a contemporary and historical context; recognise the importance of the work of key scientists; understand the outcomes of†¦show more content†¦No change in the choice of paper will be allowed after the registration period. In the September Supplementary session, only Paper I and Paper IIB will be offered. Questions requiring the application of knowledge will normally refer to common situations and any calculations required will be simple and direct. When reference is made to particular situations or apparata which might be unfamiliar to candidates, sufficient details will be given to explain the context. Mathematical content The use of non-programmable electronic calculators with arithmetical (four rules, squares, square root, log) and simple trigonometrical functions (sin, cos, tan, and their inverses in degrees) is recommended. Standard notation and SI units will be used. When one quantity is divided by another, the solidus will be used, e.g. m/s but the notation ms-1 will also be accepted. The acceleration of free fall, g, which will be given in the question paper, will be taken as 10 m/s2. Supplementary Units 3 SEC Syllabus (2012): Physics Practical Work Aims Through practical work candidates should be able to carry out experimental and investigative work in which they plan procedures, use precise and systematic ways of making measurements and observations, analyze and evaluate evidence and relate this to scientific knowledge and understanding. AShow MoreRelatedNuclear Physics Of The Society Development1374 Words  | 6 PagesNuclear physics in the society development Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. The most commonly known application of nuclear physics is nuclear power generation, but the research has led to applications in many fields, including nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear weapons, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology. 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There are indeed very few aspects that we do not come across with it. Fluids are used in different fields of engineering. Leonardo Da Vinci is a notable man who had great impact on the field and gave pace to itsRead MoreSir Isaac Newton : The Father Of Modern Physics1185 Words  | 5 Pagesa smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me(†Today, one of the most highly regarded scientists is still Sir Isaac Newton. He should be remembered as the father of modern physics. Sir Isaac Newton was born on Jan 4, 1643 or according to December 25,1642 in Woolsthorpe, England. He never knew his father because he died before he was born and his mother remarried when he was three ( His mother moved in with his stepfatherRead MoreThe Physics Of Mechanical Engineering924 Words  | 4 PagesHow do planes fly in the sky? How do cars accelerate? I chose the major mechanical engineering to answer all these previous scientific questions. 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Starting off from the list of substantial accomplishments by Isaac NewtonRead MorePhysics : Physics Of Physics1522 Words  | 7 PagesPhysics in Everyday Life Physics is the study of everything that matter and energy effect. Since all objects that take up space have energy, every object in the world is studied by physics. Physics deals a lot with forces, such as normal force, gravitational force, and frictional force. A simple example of these forces is a pen being dropped. The force acting on the pen is the gravitational force. There is no other object under the pen to keep it from falling, so the pen will keep falling until it
Monday, December 9, 2019
Evolution of Comparative Advantage †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Evolution of Comparative Advantage. Answer: Introduction: Real GDP is the measurement of the total macroeconomic output adjusted against the price changes (Berger and Sedunov 2017). According to the same source, real GDP per capita is the measurement of individuals income share out of total economic wealth of a nation. Higher real GDP means that economy has achieved better efficiency in production and it has grown substantially over the time. However, it may not be the case that higher real GDP always ensure higher real GDP per capita. If the number of population is higher, then irrespective of the real GDP growth, per capital real GDP will eventually fall (Bulman, Eden and Nguyen 2017). On the other hand if the economic output has increased slightly and the number of population is low, then the slight change in real GDP can cause a great amount of rise in the real per capital real GDP. Considering this, it can be seen the Sydney has become one of the largest and most important city in the Australia. It houses more than 5 million population and with rise in the population, productivity of the state has also enhanced (Martin 2018). However, due to rise in population through migration from different state of the country, Sydneys real per capita GDP has fell over the time. Thus, the main reason of the difference in Sydneys real GDP and per capita real GDP difference is the rise in population through migration. During 2016-17 there was high amount of growth in regional Victoria and according to the statistics it grew at the 5.8% annual growth rate, which is much higher than the NSWs 1.5% annual growth rate (Martin 2018). According to (2018), more than 40% of the growth rate of regional Vitoria came from the strong agricultural production and along with this boost in the food manufacturing has curtailed the growth rate for regional Victoria. Compared to this NSW faced reduced investment and financialisation in the state that has caused reduced amount of growth for this. If these two different rate of growth prevail for next 20 years, then it would cause polarisation among the states. Over the year regional Victoria has reduced the unemployment rate from 6.6% to 4.9% that showcase considerable amount of job creation in the region (Staff Writer 2018). Following the same, if the growth difference persist, then more people will migrate from NSW to regional Victoria, which will deteriorate the economic growth of NSW further. GDP is the aggregate of total goods and services produced by an economy within a financial year and it does not includes any market transaction like voluntary or domestic work (Osberg 2015). Though these have substantial amount of share in social welfare, GDP fails to consider it, thus there is loop hole in the social welfare measurement strategy of the GDP. GDP fails to incorporate the wealth distribution, thus it fails to measure the polarity in the population too. If there is high magnitude of wealth inequality, then GDP cannot reflect the same and fails to measure the social welfare at all. Alternative measurement: Human development index it has been constructed to gauge the loopholes of the GDP measurement and it includes standard of living, life expectancy, education and health along while utilising the GDP of the nation (Levchenko and Zhang 2016). Thus, it takes care the social welfare factor and measures the economic growth too. Social Progress Index It is another extensive framework for measuring the social welfare. Considering the opportunity, well-being and human needs it measure the social welfare and aids to determine the level of economic growth of a nation (Ravallion 2017). Liquidity in the money market is one of the key factor that drives the economic growth. If the Reserve Bank of Australia push up the cash rate in the Sydney, then it can be hoped that it will hold the rapid growth of the economy and save the countrys economy from polarisation. As highlighted by the Martin (2018), Sydney is the capital of financial service of the country and if government fails to constraint this, then it can bring in crisis in the economy. With rise in the cash rate government can effectively dry up the liquidity in the market, which will lead to fall in the aggregate demand (Guerrieri and Lorenzoni 2017). With lower aggregate demand, there will be fall in production as well as rise in the cost of the goods and service in the country leading to rise in the inflation. Finally it will allow the Sydneys economy to hold its cannon balling effect on the annual GDP growth rate. Reference: Berger, A.N. and Sedunov, J., 2017. Bank liquidity creation and real economic output.Journal of Banking Finance,81, pp.1-19. Bulman, D., Eden, M. and Nguyen, H., 2017. Transitioning from low-income growth to high-income growth: is there a middle-income trap?.Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,22(1), pp.5-28. Guerrieri, V. and Lorenzoni, G., 2017. Credit crises, precautionary savings, and the liquidity trap.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,132(3), pp.1427-1467. Levchenko, A.A. and Zhang, J., 2016. The evolution of comparative advantage: Measurement and welfare implications.Journal of Monetary Economics,78, pp.96-111. Martin, P. (2018).Sydney powers the nation, accounting for almost half of Australia's economic growth. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2018]. Osberg, L., 2015. Book Review of Beyond GDP: Measuring Welfare and Assessing Sustainability.The Journal of Economic Inequality,13(3), pp.479-484. Ravallion, M., 2017.Poverty comparisons. Routledge. (2018).Economic performance of Australia's cities and regions - SGS Economics Planning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2018]. Staff Writer (2018).Regional Victoria Building Growth Higher than in Melbourne. [online] The Urban Developer. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2018].
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Old World Had Many Great Leaders. Alexander The Great, Essays
The old world had many great leaders. Alexander the Great, Hannibal and even Julius Caesar met with struggle on their rise to power. Perhaps Genghis Khan was the most significant of all these rulers. To prove that Genghis Khan was the greatest ruler, we must go back to the very beginning of his existence. We must examine such issues as; Genghis?s struggle for power/how his life as a child would affect his rule, his personal and military achievements and his conquests. Genghis Khan was originally born as Temujin in 1167. He showed early promise as a leader and a fighter. By 1206, an assembly of Mongolian chieftains proclaimed him Genghis Khan. Which meant Universal or invincible prince. This was a bold move for the assembly. They obviously saw some leadership qualities in Genghis that others didn?t. When Genghis Khan was little, his chieftain father poisoned. With no leader left, the tribe abandoned Genghis and his mother. They were left alone for many years to care for themselves. Throughout these years, his family met many hardships such as shortage of food and shortage of money. Though unable to read, Genghis was a very wise man. His mother told him at a very early age the importance of trust and independence. "Remember, you have no companions but your shadow" Grolier Encyclopedia. (1995) CD ROM This quote was to mean to Genghis, don?t put to much trust in anyone, trust no one but yourself and if you must go your own way then do so. In 1206, Genghis Khan proclaimed the ruler of Mongolia. Genghis was a very respected leader. Like other leaders he knew what his people wanted. They want everything that is good and nothing that is bad. Genghis knew he could not promise this so instead he pledged to share both the sweet and the bitter of life. Genghis did not want to end up being poisoned like his father so instead he made alliances, and attacked anyone who posed a serious threat. Through this method of leadership, Genghis?s army grew to the point where they were unbeatable. Genghis contributed alot of items to the chinese and even western civilizations. Perhaps his greatest contribution was a code of laws that he declared. Since Genghis couldn?t read or write, these law were documented by one of his followers. His laws were carried on by people though the many generations to the point of still being in use today. Either as a modification of Genghis?s laws or as Genghis had declared them. Genghis Khan promoted the growth of trade between China and Europe. This allowed him to gain essential supplies such as food, weapons and other essential survival materials. Genghis also invented a system similar to the pony express. It was a system in which the horse and rider could silently communicate, a system that is still in use today. Perhaps the greatest gift ever given by Genghis Khan was the gift of language. Genghis was the first ruler to develop a Mongolian language. Genghis Khan was also a military and strategic genius. He structured his army in a unique and interesting fashion. He integrated soldiers from different tribes into one powerful fighting force. This was a brilliant idea. Not only could he have diversity and people who specialize in certain aspects of warfare, but it also inspired loyalty to the mongolian army as a whole rather than to a specific group of people. Genghis used harsh training and strict discipline to create a superior fighting force, he also insured that everyone of his soldiers was well equipped and could easily adopted new warfare tactics. His soldiers were always learning. Whether it be a new tactic Genghis had invented or a new weapon He decided the army would use, his soldiers were constantly learning. Genghis inspired loyalty by a unique way of promotion. Genghis felt that the best way to gain a loyal following was to promote people on the basis of achievement and not within the family. This did not only inspire a great deal of loyalty but it also made his army better and actually raised the morale of his soldiers. Every soldier gave their life to Genghis and one hundred percent of their effort because no one knew who would be the next Genghis would promote. Finally, once Genghis's army was trained and ready for battle, Genghis felt it was time to flex the muscles of the Mongolian empire. Genghis took on the great task of conquering all of china and uniting it under a single ruler. Genghis began his assault on China by attacking a northwest kingdom
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