Sunday, May 24, 2020
Stricter Federal Requirements Of Detox Facilities
â€Å"Nearly 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States†(Alcohol Facts and Statistics†1). There need to be stricter federal requirements in detox facilities because someone who has an alcohol issue will deny it, an alcoholic will do anything to be released and get another drink, and repeated intoxication offenders and alcoholics are not capable of making their own decisions. First of all, any person with an alcohol issue, no matter how large their issue is, will deny it. Denial protects the alcoholic from dealing with the problem that they have. According to Addiction and Denial†, Those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs can have little insight into their own condition as a result of denial (1). This means they are avoiding the problem for a reason, and they will not and can not make the step to admitting their problem to themselves and others. Admitting to an issue is very important though, because admitting to the issue is the only way and the first step to regaining a normal life and defeating the disease of alcoholism. Detox facilities cannot force any person to go into treatment, so the person needs to have admitted their problem and signed into a treatment center while sober if they want to get better. This is very controversial because many alcoholics use many different excuses about their problem and will not admit it. SomeShow MoreRelat edDiscriminating in Sentencing3195 Words  | 13 PagesLeading groups have an unequal number of positive social value. People in this group have wealth, power and status while lesser groups have an unequal amount of negative social value that include incarceration or the basic needs. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports in 2002 there were a total of 6,638,390 men charged with crimes and in 2011 there were a total of 5,910,637 men charged with various crimes. In 2002 there were a total of 1,970,089 women charged withRead MoreCase110038 Words  | 41 Pages2000sâ€â€after a 15-year push to create emergency shelters for the burgeoning homeless population in U.S. citiesâ€â€shelter funding began to decline, nationwide.   For  Pine  Street  Inn,  Boston’s  foremost  homeless  shelter, with 715 beds in five facilities, the first sign of trouble came in the form of several consecutive years of level funding. But in 2004, the situation worsened; Pine  Street’s  revenue  dropped  from  $29.6  to  $26.9  million.   In  alarm, Pine Street Inn Director Lyndia DownieRead MoreBusiness Journalism in India26104 Words  | 105 Pagesannual budget, role of (5) subsidies and foreign exchange reserves 4 Companies, balance sheets, AGMs window dressing of balance sheets, the loopholes (the case of Satyam) (5) 5 Stock exchange, Sensex and its ups and downs, need for stricter monitoring, how to (5) cover Stock Exchanges, qualities of a good stock exchange reporter 6 Ethics for business journalism. Should it be a watch dog or servant of business houses? (5) Role of freebies, junkets, five star attractions and need toRead MoreUAE Consumer Lifestyle Analysis42818 Words  | 172 Pages There was a rapid increase in hotel and spa developments in 2009, including the opening of such venues as the Lotus Hotel Apartments and Spa in Dubai. These spas offer ayurvedic treatments from India, Thai and Swedish massage therapies, facials, detox treatments and other dermatological care. Reiki is a new form of treatment that has been gaining in popularity. A recent report by Ernst and Young indicated that consumers taking spa treatments increased by 7% in 2009. Moreover, the heightened
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Psychological, Biological Or Developmental Processes...
Maisel (2013) defines mental disorder as â€Å"a syndrome characterized by the clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological or developmental processes underlying mental functioning†. Research studies have suggested that individuals suffering from mental disorders are at a high risk of committing crime and are also considered a threat to society (increases moral panic) and themselves. Gregory (2004) argues that this vulnerability and moral panic comes after the closing of long-stay psychiatric institutions which provided mental health care and support to patients with mental disorders and patients were moved to community care during the regime of the Conservative government in the 1980s. According to Yohanna (2013), there were three forces that led to deinstitutionalization as individuals with severe mental disorders were moved from hospitals into community. One of these forces was the hope that new antipsychotic medications offered a cure, secondly that community care was considered more affordable less than institutionalisation and lastly mental hospitals were considered inhumane and cruel. Although these implementations were not considered effective because researchers have claimed that deinstitutionalization led to the increase in offending and imprisonment among individuals with serious mental disorders (Wallace et al., 2000). Wallace et al., (2000) point outShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Biology in the Study of Psychology Essay991 Words  | 4 Pagesreacts to certain behaviors or illnesses. Most all psychological functioning can be reduced to underlying brain processes. This should serve as reason alone as to why biology plays an important part in the study of psychology. 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These factors are all considered in an attempt to understand the underlying factors of suchRead MoreSociety And Psychological Disorders ( Dsm 5 )1594 Words  | 7 Pagesand Psychological Disorders In recent years, mental illness has risen from the shadows to the forefront of economic problems in America. Each year millions of Americans are diagnosed with mental disorders and are left unprotected. Since most of society has given up on mental illness, these people are not able to get the specialized care that is needed. Furthermore, these people face discrimination in areas such as education and employment. Some individuals with psychological disordersRead MoreA Research Study On Social Anxiety1462 Words  | 6 Pagesbehavioural therapy for the treatment of social anxiety disorder in adolescent. As in literature, three processes describe the adolescent development and these are termed as biological, cognitive and socio-emotional (Santrok, 2001). Biological process states that every individual has a unique and matchless genetic make-up which impacts on behaviour as well as development. For instance, Stanley Hall (mentioned in Santrok), believed that biologica l factor predominantly control the development with a littleRead MoreBehavioral Techniques Ben s Case History935 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a social stigma with people who have psychological disorders and it is even harder for Ben because he wears his symptoms on his sleeve. He cannot hide from his disorder because he suffers from both physical and verbal tics. People can easily see and hear Ben’s symptoms. Ben states that he likes to explain to his friends what exactly Tourette syndrome is. He wants to people to better understand the symptoms and what people with this disorder go through. He also fully understands why someRead MoreThe Effects Of Sleep On The Human Body And Mind Requires A Regulated Sleep And Wake Cycle1729 Words  | 7 Pagesto affect 50%-80% of the American psychiatric population. The most common mental illnesses that suffer from chronic sleep/wake disruptions include mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder as well as attenti on deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), PTSD, and schizophrenia. Research on the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle has found that proper regulation promotes healthy physical, emotional, and mental resilience, while chronic dysregulation promotes negative thinking as wellRead MoreMental Disorders And Its Effects On Psychological Disorders1116 Words  | 5 PagesMental disorders are defined as a â€Å"syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental function†(Shiraev Levy, 2017, 2017, p.253). While there are numerous symptoms, there are several that are highly associated with mental disorders including substantial distress or a form of impediment in social settings and other importantRead MoreRelationship Between Security Of Attachment And Cognitive Development1513 Words  | 7 Pag esThe relationship between security of attachment and cognitive development creates the underlying foundation from which individual’s operate throughout the lifespan (Carruth, 2006). The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships, self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreRelationship Between Security Of Attachment And Cognitive Development1513 Words  | 7 PagesThe relationship between security of attachment and cognitive development creates the underlying foundation from which individual’s operate throughout the lifespan (Carruth, 2006). The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships , self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreSocial Anxiety Disorder ( Sad )1901 Words  | 8 PagesSocial Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is defined as a chronic and often disabling condition that is associated with uncontrollable worry and tension with symptoms that include restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and/or sleep disturbance. People with social anxiety disorder also experience an intense, persistent fear of drawing attention to themselves in social situations, believing that their flaws will be exposed and that they will be negatively evaluated and rejected. It’s a terrible and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Concept of Long Term Care Free Essays
The New York Times has reported that eating fish in a regular diet has more benefits. The article explains that the Harvard Women’s Health study says people that eat fish once a week had a 42 percent less likelihood to develop macular degeneration that was age related than people that ate fish less than once a month. Macular degeneration is an inflammatory disease and fish has the omega 3 fatty acid that reduces the inflammation (Rabin, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Concept of Long Term Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now The study was based on 39,876 women that were in their mid-life which was 99 percent of these women participating. The participants were handed a questionnaire in 1993 that had a detailed food frequency to fill out. These questionnaires needed these women to list an average of consumption over the past year of different foods with a specific portion size. These foods that needed to be listed were how much of tuna fish, mackerel, salmon, sardines, bluefish, and swordfish were eaten. These women were told to record how much, on an average, was eaten over this past year. The study took 10 years to follow up and only 235 of the 39,876 people developed macular degeneration. This is an eye disease that is progressive and is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in the elderly population (Rabin, 2011). The study findings were that the intakes of w-3 and w-6 fatty acids along with other dietary fats had been adjusted for the total of the energy intake using the residual methods. The intakes were categorized into tertiles that enhanced the stability estimates. The categories were an overall basis on the distribution of nutrients of all the women’s intakes. Tertiles were also adjusted for trans-unsaturated fat, saturated fat, and monounsaturated fat. sided P-values and 95 percent of CI’s were also calculated. Also performed were the tests of interaction to evaluate the null hypothesis. These tests were of no differences in the association of the w-3 and the w-6 fatty acids (Rabin, 2011). The women that reported eating one or more servings of fish a week had a 42 percent less chance of developing macular degeneration than the women that ate less once a month per serving of fish. The most benefits that were found were by eating dark meat fish and canned tuna. These studies are prone to have a measurement of error which tends to have an underestimate in any association of diet with the risks of AMD. Any changes of the dietary intakes would likely be nondifferential to the AMD end point and would have a true association. The end point was based primarily on the self report of the participants. The data was based on a large population of many different women that had no prior diagnosis of any AMD’s and that regular intake of EPA, DHA, and fish had a significant reduction of risk of AMD. This appears to be the strongest evidence that support the role of the w-3 fatty acids and reduced the number of people that had advanced AMD (Rabin, 2011). The findings in this article were appropriate in the findings that eating fish once a week reduced the risk of the development of macular degeneration and slowed the progression of some that had early signs of the disease. The hypothesis along with the P-value that was used played a big part in determining the out come of this study. In conclusion, this study has proven that eating fish once a week can and will help to prevent the eye disease Macular Degeneration (Rabin, 2011). How to cite Concept of Long Term Care, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
SoftArc Engineering Ltd for Cloud Data Storage & Management
Question: Discuss about theSoftArc Engineering Ltd for Cloud Data Storage Management. Answer: Introduction SoftArc Engineering Ltd is an Australian based company operating in the civil engineering domain working across Indonesia as well as Australia. The company wishes to close down its data Center based in Brisbane and move the services and data based out of that Center to the new Center in Sydney. Their newer Center is much more capable and in line with the new software and systems. The web services are moving to the cloud based platform and this is exactly what this document covers. Cloud Architecture The architecture of choice would be a hybrid model as it aligns well with the business strategies of SoftArc. It is a kind of a cloud based model which has advantages from both the models. This means that it also has the advantages of a traditional infrastructure as well as a cloud based infrastructure. As such, this integrated cloud based model works in a way that certain parts of information that is connected to the data center should be stored on premise and that the rest of the information be pushed on the cloud. It is the exact model which will allow SoftArc to enhance their capabilities by easily merging and aligning with their rest of the components as per the requirements of business and the strategy they follow (Tarannum, Ahmed, 2013). The delivery model for SoftArc Engineering Ltd that would be used in this case would be IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service. The reason for the choice is made obvious from the points presented below: It is this model that would allow the user to tailor their platform and software requirements easily because they would control nearly every single aspect of the system. The model would also allow the system administrators of SoftArc Engineering Ltd to scale up and down their architecture and associated components as per their companys needs. The overall costs associated with this model is considerably lower as compared to building of that infrastructure in the first place. Distributed resources would be used with this model. Pros and Cons of Implementing the Hybrid Cloud There are several advantages of implementing a Hybrid Cloud over a traditional infrastructure as well as a traditional cloud. To begin with, a Hybrid model would ultimately demand lesser upfront investments in terms of the infrastructure which is quite crucial allowing the money to be spent on other key areas. The security associated with the Hybrid model is better given the fact that cloud computing providers ultimately have come a long way in strengthening their security because thats among the first things that makes them a legitimate alternative. The flexibility of the firm would improve and the dependency on the companys rigid infrastructure would decrease making the platform and services that run on top of the infrastructure fluid as it can be scaled up and down easily. It also provides a heightened state of overall accessibility that ultimately leads to an improved customer satisfaction. (Boava, Iano, 2016). However, there are some issues that the company would need to be made aware before getting into this. First of all, the organization would be requiring to upgrades and patches of the entire platform and the software that run on top of it. This would make it seem like that its not a complete outsourcing of the IT problems to a 3rd party company. At the same time, the company would need to maintain and upgrade database systems, tools, other information systems and operating systems and servers that run on top of it. With IaaS, legal regulations also come into the picture as the companys data is being stored in an off-premise and possibly out of the country. The company would always require extremely high-bandwidth based data connection so that the software and systems within the organization function properly. Risks Profile and its Counter Measures Although the security posture of the infrastructure could be better than what the companys traditional IT infrastructure, this does not mean that it carries any less risk in terms of security. Name of the Risk Description Possible Countermeasure Shared Access One of the important features that is included with this hybrid model is of its multi-tenancy. This means that the infrastructure provider would be renting out the same set of infrastructures which is at the backbone of the softarcs infrastructure to other companies. This is something that makes it risky for Softarc. There could be scenarios where multiple users are connected to the same infrastructure from different companies and are ultimately sharing the same backbone infrastructure, the same memory, the same database and equipment. Now, if there is a security incident with any of the companys infrastructure then it could threaten the well-being of Softarcs state of data, software and services. (Padmavathi, 2016). The SLAs should be read well and the company should create virtual boundaries and segregate another companys data and services such that one has nothing to do with another. At the same time, they should employ anti-virus, intrusion detection system, firewall among others. Cost and Schedule Risks Owing to a lot of complications involved with a hybrid model, it becomes difficult to effectively calculate the cost. It would require a thorough planning in order to estimate an approximate costing and schedule estimations. Legal Risks A lot of private, confidential and sensitive information would be stored on a remote server that could further be offloaded to a different country and hence it bears legal issues. The legal planning should be done well in advanced to make sure there is no legal vulnerability presented later on. Security Risks Since the data is communicated to a remote server, this inherent nature of operation brings a lot of security issues and vulnerabilities. These exposes the company to a range of attacks such as network attacks, ddos attacks, data sniffing, insider threats and security vulnerabilities present in the infrastructure service provider. It would involve enhancing the overall security posture to combat the security issues. These incude performing a range of strengthening services on the software side as well as implementing a thorough technical and administrative controls. Data Ownership and Authority Risks Hybrid cloud would be composed of many different users and the issue of data ownership arises. Data ownership can be countered by effectively implementing user roles and privileges. Components and Requirements Application Resilience Given the nature of deployment of SoftArc data and service it is imperative that their high availability requirements should be taken care of effectively. The following shall be done so in that effect (Varadharajan, Tupakula, 2016) : Fault tolerance would be installed so as to make sure there is no single point of failure. Adherence to best practices and pre-defined standards. Ample cloud storage solutions Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan In order to protect the data and limit the disruption of services, an effective disaster recovery planning should be done. The backup would be done in two different modes that is intermittent and complete. The backups would be done in a remote location. The entire plan would be made such that any major incident should be recovered in less than 2 hours. Remote Server Administration Administrators would provide the ability to monitor the hybrid cloud remotely and execute a certain number of actions without anybodys consent such as scaling of system resources or shutting down certain components of the infrastructure. (Tarannum, Ahmed, 2013). Resource Management There would be several human resources that are applied to the management of the hybrid cloud. These includes system administrators, people to monitor the network usage, people to monitor the state of the system and finally people who monitor any important security incidents that may be happening in real-time. SLA Management Following is how the SLA would be managed for SoftArc: A list of services agreed between the cloud provider and softarc. Responsibilities and duties associated with the projects resources. Internal partners and their involvement. The exact state of system, infrastructure features and resources allocated for the system. Migration of Sharepoint to Cloud The sharepoint server would be moved to an AWS cloud as its among the most robust and cost-effective solutions from small-scale companies to large scale organizations. Following is the process that would be followed: A complete plan of the migration along with defining of scope, objectives, assumptions and requirements. Analysis of risks and its counter strategy. (Sekaran, Krishna, 2016) Migration of system should happen in phases to minimize downtime and streamline the transition. Continous validation of data and system performance would be carried out. Conclusion SoftArc has taken up a bold move to shift towards a hybrid model of operation. In doing so the company would not only greatly reduce the cost of traisition by saving upon upfront investments but would also enhance their day-to-day operation by making it quicker and more streamlined. There are many benefits provided by this model and on the other hand there are its downsides, however with proper care and due diligence it could be kept to a minimum. References Al-Rashedi, A. (2014). E-Government Based on Cloud Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture. International Journal Of Computer And Electrical Engineering, 6(3), 201-206. Varadharajan, V., Tupakula, U. (2016). On the Design and Implementation of an Integrated Security Architecture for Cloud with Improved Resilience. IEEE Transactions On Cloud Computing, 1-1. Padmavathi, B. (2016). Implementation of IOT Based Health Care Solution Based on Cloud Computing. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science. Sekaran, K., Krishna, P. (2016). Big Cloud: a hybrid cloud model for secure data storage through cloud space. International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 8(2), 229. Boava, A., Iano, Y. (2016). Secure Inter-Cloud architecture for virtual cloud computing based on hybrid IP and MPLS infrastructure solution. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14(7), 3490-3495. Gordon, A. (2016). The Hybrid Cloud Security Professional. IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(1), 82-86. Tarannum, N., Ahmed, N. (2013). Efficient and Reliable Hybrid Cloud Architecture for Big Database. International Journal On Cloud Computing: Services And Architecture, 3(6), 17-29.
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